Tuesday, March 29, 2011

looking back.

I wish I started this sooner.  I missed so many first to share.  But a quick recap of some of my Favorite First!

Spring of 2007 meeting and falling in love with my wonderful husband.  Things have never been the same after meeting him!

Argentina- Iguazu fall
 Machu Picchu Peru

We spent three months in South America for our honey moon.  My first out of country trip! We visited Argentina, Chile, Peru, Uruguay, Ecuador and Bolivia.  (Jan. 2008- April 2008)

Taking the big step and moving to Alaska. Spring of 2008
first time clam digging and crab catching! 2008 (Alaska)
first time salmon berry picking 2008 (Alaska)

Oh yeah!  First King Salmon! 2009

visiting Kotzebue Ak

It's a BOY.  our first baby! 1-18-2011


  1. Love it Cal! Excited to see more firsts to come!

  2. I love "FIRSTS" thanks for sharing some with us! Hope you don't mind my "following" you. Seth is so Cute. Love the pic of his little feet. Oh, by the way, it's me Jacky Luetschwager from 4-H. :)

  3. Welcome Jacky! Of course I don't mind you following; it's nice to know someone is reading this!
