Wednesday, February 1, 2012

other happenings!

Growing like a weed!  Over the last couple of weeks Seth has been changing and developing like crazy! The things that he can do and understand now are amazing. He's so rambunctious and into everything!
  • he can clap and wave
  • hands me things
  • mimics like crazy. Jesse and Seth love growling at each other!
  • Pushes his trucks around
  • understands basic things like time to eat, bath time, etc...
  • tries to bark like a doggie

Trying to dress him up like a pirate!

I realize that this picture is kind of creepy with Jesse's head in the back ground, but the picture of Seth is cute!  Please ignore Jesse.

Spending time with his puppy dog!

Seth loves chasing his spider man ball around!
Jesse is still laid up with his injured back :( it's been 10 weeks.  But the good new is is that we are seeing improvement.  His physical therapy is really helping.  Plus he gets to watch all the changes in Seth with me.

1 comment:

  1. Seth is so cute! I didn't even see Jesse's "creepy head" as Seth is too cute - but once you said it...then I saw him. I hope you both enjoy this precious time!!! Blessings from Ringle.
