Tuesday, June 14, 2011

working on sitting up, sleeping through the night and teething...

My baby will be five months in a couple of days!  Seth is working on sitting up! It would help if he wasn't always trying to stick out his legs to stand.  I heard that a baby that is always trying to stand is a sign that he will be an early walker!  Yikes!  Jesse and I need to start baby proofing the house!

checking out his toy collection..

on all fours!

He also is getting very good at grabbing things.
He really loves his toys!

  We think teething has started; he's always drooling, sucking or chewing on his fingers or any toy that he can get in his mouth!

I'm happy to report that Seth has been sleeping through the night for about a month now!  That makes a huge difference on mama!

Starting him on solid foods is right around the corner.... :)

1 comment:

  1. Cute pictures, Seth has so much hair. Some babies are bald for a long time. Exciting and fun times for you. You are doing a good job! Blessings from Wisconsin.
