Thursday, October 27, 2011

Turkey part two! Ankara

Arriving into Ankara at three in the afternoon, completely jet jagged and tired!

Seth catching a few Z on the long flight
Ankara is the capital of Turkey and the second largest city following Istanbul.  Population is 4.4 million!  We spent three days in Ankara touring the city.

We spent one afternoon touring around the open markets.
They had bunches of nut and dried fruit stands.

A meal that Jesse ate.  Every meal in Turkey had cucumbers, tomatoes, olives and bread... lots  and lots of bread.

Turkish men and women are completely in love with babies. At every restaurant we ate at the waitresses or waiters would come and hold Seth and carry him around showing him off to fellow works. Turks also believe in having your feet covered (mostly babies)... cold feet = sickness (they are very scared of getting sick).  I defiantly learned my lesson the first day and kept Seth's feet covered when out in public!  Seth also received a lot of free food and treats from the locals!

View of Ankara.  In the middle of the picture far left is the mosque that we went to.  The mosque is the building with the four pointy towers.  Due to camera breaking during trip I don't have any pictures! 

One meal that my friend and I had in Turkey was called Manti... pronounce manta.  I will be making a post on it later and including a recipe.  It's very good.

one evening we went to a Pastry shop and I saw these cute baby shower candy gifts!
aren't they cute?

Yum this is what I had!

More to come later!
Seth's first:
  1. First long international flight.
  2. Being in a different country.
  3. Open markets.
  4. Experiencing jet lag and 11 hour time difference. (this was a first for me too! boy was that hard and tiring!)
  5. Taking a taxi in a foreign country. Which is VERY scary!  Travel books warn you about how aggressive Turk drivers are!

1 comment:

  1. Wow was an experience! Looks interesting can't wait to hear more. Tell us why you picked Turkey ...
