Wednesday, April 4, 2012

rainy day stuff

Yesterday was cold and rainy, which means Seth and I didn't make it outside.  I decided to set a tub of water in front of the wood stove and let him ''swim''. (First) How happy he was you would have thought I set up an amusement park in the living room!  Lots of giggles and laughs!

Two of his favorite bath toys.

What's new with Seth: 
  1. Three molars are in, one more to go.  
  2. He's hitting that picky eater stage.  Foods that he use to like he wants nothing to do with.  If it was up to him he would live off of toast,eggs and fruit.
  3. Still not talking but is able to understand more and more stuff.
  4. He's really getting into climbing: on the rocking chair, table, bed, couch etc...  taking lots of tumbles off of furniture. 
  5. Seth will be 15 months on the 18th!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you had a fun rainy day...he is getting so big and you are doing a great job!
    Blessings from Wisconsin.
