Wednesday, March 28, 2012

slides and swings and seth

Still enjoying all the spring weather.  Yesterday we went to a park.  Seth was pushed on the swing (first) and got to go down a slide (first). He loved both equally.  Before going to the park grandma let him play in her potting soil on her deck (first) followed by trying to eat a handful of it (first).  Seth had a very full morning :)

Grandma helping Seth climb up the slide!
The red moose hat that he always wears in the pictures was given to him by his aunty EM.  It's the only hat that he keeps on his head!!!


  1. Looks like he was having fun...everybody eats a little dirt anyway, it's good for you...right? Blessings from Wisconsin.

  2. Cutie!! He's getting so big! :)
