Tuesday, March 6, 2012

a precious sound

Today was our first prenatal doctor appointment for baby # 2!  We nailed down a due date... August 27 2012, which makes me 15 weeks along.  
I cringe going to doctor appointments thinking about how much we are spending on visits and tests. But when it comes time to hear the baby's heart beat for the first time it's really an incredible moment;  that always brings tears to my eyes!

It's a special moment to hear the baby's fast heart beat against my heart beat in the back ground.  This makes the pregnancy feel more real.  Although I have been feeling baby move around already and that defiantly feels real!  Here we go again!

I praise you because I am fearfully, and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. ~ Psalms 139: 14

Humans are humans no matter what size. ~ Dr. Suess 


  1. Oh how wonderful! My brother, who is an assistant pastor, did a baby dedication based on Dr. Suess and that quote you have. It was so neat! We don't baptize babies, only dedicate them until they are old enough to know they are sinners and need to be baptized. Blessings from Wisconsin.

  2. Oh that's really neat. Our church doesn't baptize babies either they do the dedication.
